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Thailand's Real Estate Revival Stirs Strong Economic Tide


Lauren Miller

April 9, 2024 - 05:49 am


Thailand's Real Estate Revival: Government Introduces Measures to Boost Property Market

In an effort to rejuvenate the residential property market of Thailand, the government has introduced a comprehensive package of incentives aimed at lowering transaction and mortgage fees for homebuyers. This sweeping move, involving a reduction in property registration fees and a raise in tax breaks for construction, comes as a bold step to support the nation's real estate sector.

Thailand real estate incentive program Currently, only residential properties valued at a maximum of 3 million baht are eligible for a cut in registration fee to 0.01% from 2% that was first announced in 2022. (Image courtesy of Bloomberg)

The Thai Cabinet has recently given the green light to a proposal that elevates the threshold for reduced transaction fees. Under the new scheme, houses and condominiums priced at a ceiling of 7 million baht, roughly equivalent to $191,330, will benefit from the lowered costs, according to an official government statement released Tuesday. This is a significant lift from the previous cap, which restricted eligibility for registration fee reductions only to residential properties with a maximum value of 3 million baht.

This legislative amendment is not just a modest adjustment; it represents a significant shift from what was first rolled out in 2022. Under the initial proposition, the registration fee for eligible properties was slashed to a minimal 0.01% from the standard 2%. With the revision, a larger spectrum of properties will now fall under the ambit of the rebates, a move that could stir considerable activity across the property ladder.

Adding to these changes, the government has announced an extension of mortgage fee reductions to cater to properties in the new 7 million baht bracket. Coupled with these financial levers is the introduction of attractive tax incentives for individuals pursuing the construction of their own houses—a measure poised to galvanize the building sector. The Board of Investment's tax incentives have also been bolstered, broadening the value threshold of properties developed by companies from 1 million baht to 1.5 million baht.

The administration under Srettha has acknowledged the potential financial implications of this bold initiative. Estimates suggest that the state could see a diminution of approximately 1.99 billion baht in fees each month due to the new incentives. Nevertheless, the measures are designed to spur the industry forward and will remain in place until the end of the year, as disclosed in the statement.

In addition to these fee adjustments and tax reliefs, the state-owned Government Housing Bank is set to contribute significantly to the cause. It is earmarked to extend an additional 20 billion baht in new mortgage loans. These loans will come with more favorable interest rates and will primarily target low-income borrowers who are in the market for new houses. This financial bolstering is expected to make homeownership more attainable for a larger segment of the Thai population.

The suite of measures released by the Thai government exemplifies a decisive response to the challenges faced by the nation's residential real estate market. The strategic reduction of registration and mortgage fees, alongside the lifting of allowances for tax breaks, illustrates a multifaceted approach to foster growth in property sales and construction activities.

Enhanced Economic Prospects

The real estate sector often serves as a bellwether for economic health, influencing a wide range of industries from construction to finance. By fueling the residential market with these incentives, the Thai government is potentially setting the stage for wider economic revitalization. The multiplier effect resulting from increased home buying could ripple positively through various sectors, leading to job creation and enhanced consumer spending.

Affordability is at the crux of these policy reforms. By increasing the affordability of homes through reduced costs associated with buying and building, a broader demographic can entertain the prospect of property ownership. This inclusive mindset not only underscores the government's commitment to economic accessibility but also aligns with global trends that emphasize sustainable and equitable housing solutions.

Future Horizons: Beyond 2022

As the Thai residential real estate market eyes a recovery path beyond the pandemic's upheavals, the horizon looks promising with these government interventions. While the real estate market has traditionally been fueled by external demand, particularly from foreign investors and expatriates, the recent policy changes signal a strong pivot towards domestic upswing.

The increase in the limit for registration fee reductions from 3 million to 7 million baht is particularly telling of the government's confidence in the domestic market's capacity. This enhancement mirrors the administration’s understanding that fostering internal demand and empowering local homebuyers are pivotal to building a resilient and thriving real estate sector.

Supporting Infrastructure and Finance

The role of the Government Housing Bank in this grand scheme is one of financial facilitation. By availing additional mortgage loans at more attractive rates, the bank acts as a crucial conduit between the state's policy ambitions and the populace's aspirations for homeownership. By targeting the affordable housing segment, the bank ensures that the benefits of the government's incentives not only reach but effectively permeate the lower-income groups.

This concerted effort between various government arms, coupled with fiscal prudence as evidenced in the willingness to forego a portion of fee-based revenue, underscores a deliberate choice. It showcases the administration’s commitment to economic growth, even at the potential expense of immediate state income, in anticipation of the long-term societal and economic benefits.


The Thai government's proactive measures for the real estate sector reflect a strategic endeavor to leverage economic stimuli for widespread impact. By enabling more individuals to own property and sparking a rejuvenation in the construction industry, the policy shifts are set to inject vitality and optimism into the nation’s economy.

The landscape of Thailand's property market is poised for dynamic change, with the government's actions paving the way for what may become a defining year for the real estate sector and the broader Thai economy. The country's underlying economic fundamentals, coupled with these timely incentives, hint at a buoyant real estate environment ready to welcome new homeowners, investors, and builders.

While the full effect of these measures will unfold over time, immediate responses suggest that Thai real estate is on a brisk path to recovery. With an empowered consumer base, incentivized construction sector, and an economy ready to rebound, Thailand is set to redefine the residential landscape for its citizens, investing in a future of growth and stability.

For further details on the new measures introduced by the Thai government, you may visit the Bloomberg website for the original press release and ongoing coverage of the real estate market in Thailand.

Bloomberg Original Press Release

The nation watches with anticipatory eyes as the property market welcomes the influx of benefits that derive from the government’s bold strokes. Both on a microeconomic and macroeconomic level, these incentives could potentially herald a new chapter in Thailand’s growth narrative, fostering a sustainable and inclusive real estate ecosystem.