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iron ore prices tumble as chinas economic woes dim prospects 146

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Iron Ore Prices Tumble as China's Economic Woes Dim Prospects


Lauren Miller

March 11, 2024 - 04:24 am


Iron Ore Prices Plunge Amid Bleak Demand in China

The iron ore market is experiencing a significant decline as prices have nosedived nearly 5%, hovering close to the $110 per ton threshold. This downturn reflects the challenges of the Chinese economy where subdued demand has persisted, particularly within the core sectors of real estate and manufacturing. Despite the anticipation of economic bolstering measures during the National People's Congress in Beijing, the panel's closure on Monday left the market wanting for stimulus, with iron ore stockpiles at Chinese ports reaching annual highs.

Iron Ore's Precipitous Fall

Iron ore's price collapse, marking a reduction of nearly a quarter from its early January zenith, is attributed to China's sustained pressure across critical industries. The annual National People's Congress in Beijing had been eyed by market analysts as a potential catalyst for demand resurgence. However, the conclusion of this pivotal convention has offered little in terms of an immediate demand upturn for the beleaguered commodity, leaving the industry burdened with heavy inventories.

In Singapore, iron ore futures plummeted by 4.6% to $110.55 a ton as of late morning trading, signaling a gloomy prospect for the commodity, which has not seen such low closing prices since the prior August. Similarly, futures on the Dalian Commodity Exchange retreated by 3.7%. Large steel contracts traded in Shanghai also faced downwards pressure, charting losses for the day.

The Persistence of Oversupply

The commodity’s futures in Singapore experienced a notable dip as 11:35 a.m. local time approached, with forecasts regarding the lowest closure since the previous summer’s doldrums. In tandem, futures in Dalian also registered declining values, with a 3.7% drop, reflecting the trend observed in iron ore’s overall performance. The overall sentiment was mirrored in Shanghai’s steel market, which also tallied losses.

Analysts from Jinrui Futures Co. commented on the situation, emphasizing that further price reductions might be necessary before these swelling inventories begin to diminish. They also advised investors to consider establishing short positions in iron ore futures as a tactical response, pending the eventual rebound in Chinese steel demand.

China's Economic Constrictions

The construction sector, an essential pillar for steel utilisation, has experienced muted activity levels. The ongoing clampdown on property sector indebtedness has strained what once was a stalwart source of demand for steel. Moreover, while hopes were pinned on a post-Lunar New Year improvement in construction, prospects have yet to materialize.

Such constrained circumstances come in the wake of years of stringent policies aimed at curbing property sector indebtedness—a move that has inadvertently squeezed an erstwhile robust avenue for steel consumption. The capital city has notably abstained from the expansive infrastructure stimuli characteristic of previous economic recovery strategies.

For more insight into this issue, readers can examine the comprehensive analysis available in the article, China’s Big Policy Meet Offers Little to Excite Commodity Bulls, which dwells on the outcomes of the National People's Congress within the context of commodity markets.

Property Market's Underlying Weakness

Beijing maintains its long-standing assertion that homes should serve as dwellings rather than speculative investments, despite this messaging being conspicuously absent from Premier Li Qiang’s draft governmental work report—this convention marked the first occurrence of such an omission since 2019. This steadfast stance has persisted even amidst a property crisis that continues to undermine demand.

Despite the crisis in the property sector, the political leadership reaffirmed its familiar mantra over the past weekend: housing should be predominantly for living, not for speculative flipping. This reiteration came at a critical juncture, as Premier Li Qiang had notably excluded the housing slogan from the government's work report for the first time in several years, hinting at a potential policy shift which did not materialize.

Mixed Reactions Across Base Metals

The wider base metals market on the London Metal Exchange presented a mixed bag. In this climate of cautious trading, aluminum experienced a slight uptick of 0.2%, while copper edged up by 0.1%. On the less favorable side, zinc recorded a minor dip of 0.2%, and nickel faced a steeper decline of 0.5%. These variations signal the broader uncertainties that persist within the commodity and manufacturing sectors.

Casting a wider net, base metals on the London Metal Exchange showcased varying trajectories. Aluminum saw a marginal positive adjustment of 0.2%, followed closely by a modest 0.1% increase in copper prices. However, the broader sentiment remained cautious as zinc prices witnessed a 0.2% decrease, with nickel suffering a slightly larger 0.5% drop.

The copyright for the information provided belongs to Bloomberg L.P. ©2024.

The Disappointing Demand Dynamics

Iron ore's slump can be attributed to a complex interplay of factors, involving subdued demand from China's burgeoning real estate sector and a manufacturing industry grappling with persistent headwinds. The prevalent market sentiment had been one of cautious optimism, as stakeholders awaited clear guidance from the annual National People's Congress regarding potential policy initiatives that would stimulate the steel-demanding sectors.

The iron ore market's anticipation centered on the expectation that the conclusion of the National People's Congress would usher in a fresh wave of demand. However, the stockpiles at Chinese ports, which have surged to their highest levels in over a year, are symptomatic of an ongoing mismatch between supply and consumption within the market.

The narrative of the stockpile growth underscores an underlying weakness – an absence of a vigorous upturn in steel consumption. The market's hope was for a spike in construction activities following the Lunar New Year festivities, a period that has historically signaled a renewal of vigorous economic activities. Unfortunately, this anticipated surge has not come to fruition, prompting a recalibration of market expectations.

Lingering Challenges in the Steel Market

The manufacturing and construction sectors are central to steel consumption, and the slow-paced activities within these critical industries are reflective of the wider economic malaise. China's historical response to such downturns typically included substantial infrastructure stimulus packages designed to reinvigorate demand. However, the current reticence from Beijing to initiate such decisive fiscal measures has left the market wanting and the prices of iron ore in limbo.

Beijing's endeavor to moderate the speculative fervor in the housing market has been unequivocal, with a series of policies targeted at ensuring that homes serve their primary purpose as residences. The firm stance has had a cooling effect on the property sector, a traditional powerhouse of steel demand, further exacerbating the existing demand woes for iron ore.

The implications of the premier's omission of the housing market's customary slogan, notably absent for the first time in years, sparked speculation of a possible easing of the hardline stance on the property market. Despite this, the government has doubled down on its original message, resulting in sustained policy rigidity that appears to weigh heavily on the property sector's prospects and, by extension, on iron ore demand.

Base Metals Respond to Market Sentiments

The London Metal Exchange's mixed reactions to base metals are indicative of the overarching sentiment that punctuates the commodity market. While aluminum and copper manage to cling onto marginal gains, zinc and nickel succumb to the overarching pessimism, marking modest retreats. This disparity in price movements mirrors the uncertainty and selective optimism prevalent among traders.

The fluctuating fortunes of base metals resonate with the complexities of the global commodity markets, which remain sensitive to broader economic indicators and policy developments. The segmented performance of these metals serves as a barometer for industrial confidence and investment temperaments, reflective of an intricate web of global supply chains and the nuanced effects of policy shifts.

In the larger picture, these disparate trends in the base metals sector offer a glimpse into the contingency plans and strategic shifts companies may need to implement as they navigate the unpredictable tides of the global commodity markets. The iron ore industry, in particular, witnesses the direct ramifications of such market volatility, as it continues its uneasy wait for an elusive demand stimulus that could revitalize its fortunes.


The descent of iron ore prices to near the $110 mark is a stark marker of the challenges faced by the commodity sector. The fallout from China's real estate slowdown and lack of construction activity continues to saturate the market with excess supplies. As Beijing concludes the National People's Congress without any immediate relief for the iron ore industry, the market holds its breath in anticipation of future policy cues that could revive steel demand and breathing new life into the sector.

While the base metals market shows a jagged pattern of ups and downs, the overarching story is one of cautious tenacity amidst uncertainty. As the year progresses, market participants will closely monitor China's policy moves and their rippling effects across the commodity spectrum, keeping an eagle eye on iron ore as it remains a crucial indicator of economic health and developmental priorities.

The complete article, including detailed analysis and data, can be found by accessing the following URL link: China’s Big Policy Meet Offers Little to Excite Commodity Bulls. This will provide readers with in-depth perspectives on the dynamics at play in the iron ore market and the broader economic implications for the commodities sector.

Iron ore's next chapter hinges on China's economic strategies in the face of pressing real estate and manufacturing challenges. The market now watches intently for the next twist in policy that could signify a much-needed rebound or a continued lull in this pivotal commodity's journey.